June 21 (RSS): A partial solar eclipse is taking place today. Nepal Calendar
Determination Committee said the eclipse
will start at 10:50 am, will reach its mid-point at 12:38 pm and end at 2:23
president Prof Dr Ram Chandra Gautam said the eclipse will be visible from
Nepal for a duration of three hours and 33 minutes. This is the only solar
eclipse to be seen from Nepal this year.
Astronomical Society's president Suresh Bhattarai said one can observe the
solar eclipse by adopting eye protection methods.
may be recalled here that a total solar eclipse was visible from State-1 on
November 23, 1965. The next total solar eclipse will occur on February 17, 2064
and it will be visible from the south-eastern part of State-1.
today's solar eclipse would be a total eclipse for some parts of the world, it
will only be partial (half of the sun would be blocked) in the case of Nepal.
However, 98 per cent of the sun would be blocked seen from Kalapani,
Limpiyadhura and Lipulek areas of Nepal.
solar eclipse can be seen in the form of a total eclipse from Congo, Ethiopia,
South Sudan, Muscat, Yemen, Oman, southern Pakistan, Dehradoon and Kurukshetra
of India, Tibet of China and other places, said Jayanta Acharya, senior
astronomer and associate professor of theoretical astrology at the Valmeeki
Bidyapeeth, Nepal Sanskrit University.
is said the sun would be covered almost 88 per cent from Kathmandu at 12:04 pm.
Takshyashila Astronomical Club has made arrangements for the safe viewing of
the solar eclipse from the roof of its college building at Samakhusi. It is
free of cost and be managed by maintaining social distancing.
Nepal Astronomical Society is directly broadcasting the eclipse through YouTube
channel from its office at Battisputali.